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Saturday, April 8, 2023

The Verification Playground

Verification Playground is a fun and interactive way to learn and practice IC design, verification, and validation. It combines the power of SystemVerilog, Verilog, VHDL, C++/SystemC, and other HDL languages with browser-based simulation and wave viewer features.

Code examples can be viewed by anyone with a web browser. They are saved as a static link that can be shared with others (see the address bar).

Saved playgrounds contain the code, bottom 200 lines of results, and options. Once saved, the page reloads and you can see your playground in the current playground list.

Copy button allows you to create a new playground that is complitely separate from the original. This is handy if you have modified the code example and want to share it with someone else.

Real-Time Collaboration

A short cut to the EDA Playground Forum enables real-time editing of code and other information with multiple users simultaneously. This can be especially helpful when sharing code with a team of designers who need to review the same source code.

Code and simulation examples can be saved to a profile and viewed by anyone with a web browser. This makes it easy to find the best example for a particular problem and reuse it in other projects.

The Playground simulates user email 검증놀이터 and password reset, as well as a number of other commonly used features in modern applications. This includes a sign-up form that sends an email to the user and requires them to enter a random code on a confirmation page before being granted access.

Test a JSON-LD credential

The playground provides a simple and intuitive way to test the use of a verifiable credential, an open standard for digital credentials. This is the same technology that most people use to verify email addresses on websites and apps.

It also demonstrates the use of MailSlurp, an email verification service that works with JSON-LD credentials. This is an important part of testing web applications because it enables automated tests to test the behavior of forms and emails that contain a clear HTML name attribute.

The playground also demonstrates the use of Yosys Cicruit Diagrams, a new way to visualize multiple top-level design modules. These diagrams can be a valuable tool in many different types of IC verification projects, from the creation of schematic symbols to analyzing synthesis outcomes and the use of CAD data.


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